Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Can you see me
Can you see my fingers on the guitar strings in the same world as you
with the same angels falling around us with broken wings

Can you see me
holding your pain with mine and crying for you,  apart but together
and broken on our knees

Or are you too hurt to even know where I am
and that I am where you are
looking up at you and waiting

Do you have the strength to know without words
That I can save you and you can save me if we only stand back up

Can you see me
my bleeding hands and my glazed, sad eyes.
merely waiting for you to lean on me.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

In Night

A nightmare brought to the page,
deteriorated respect and lost love is all life has to give now,
with ripped hearts and torn souls to show for it

Rocks thrash and anger flies through the air at the loss of meaning,
of rest,
of softness

Resentment fills the buckets to the brim with nothing left to carry it in
We live on the brink of insanity now, holding onto things we thought were real but never were
Memories betray and so does blind love,
leading hearts through the darkness and lying to them,
pretending that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

but knives cut deep,
and reality gives wake up calls and stops the facade

Eyes open to the real world of hatred,
leaving a vast emptiness where the fake truth used to be,
a hole never filled except with more lies
and more harsh words that echo through it all.
A nightmare brought to life