Wednesday, February 10, 2010

This is where I come from.

I am from
the year 1990, Edgewood.
but part of my heart stays in Ferndale forever.

I'm from my two parents and a stepdad, six grandparents, two brothers, one sister, dogs all the time, cousins too many to count, nicknames like Peanut and Crayola, and funny arguments on Christmas Eve.

I am from the paw hands of a special little person who achieved big dreams and changed a stubborn 16 year old girl into a courageous woman.
Seb who stole my heart forever, r.i.p.

from different schools and different towns, from knowing different people and knowing myself.
from growing up as the oldest of the kids, the only girl on the block, and the best friend of a family who meant more to me than they probably knew.
from the sound of the piano through the open screen door for the whole neighborhood to hear on a sunny day.
I am from making memories and creating laughter.
embarrassment and reminiscing, knowing that time is precious.
from constant performing, nervous butterflies, and the feeling of accomplishment after applause.
I am from that very passion.

I'm from wishing I was in a time where drugs weren't sold for happiness and people weren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in.
from baseball games in the front yard and biffing it so bad on my bike in front of all the boys.
A glass of milk every day and a new movie every night.
3+ packs of a gum a week
dancing around in the sprinkler during the summertime
sunflower seeds on the pitcher's mound
bringing the heat and singing along to John Fogerty's centerfield
and jumping into rivers fully clothed because of a dare and a heart full of what it means to be alive

I am from finding inspiration in everything
singing to no lyrics and dancing to no music
getting lost in a book
with fuzzy socks and painted toenails
from orthopedic surgeons, passing out on the 4th of july
dance classes, headgear, mono, and tae kwon do.

from playing the guitar around the fire with an amazing soul who will never leave your heart.
bicycles, trips to the park, and driving around
feeling safe and loved in ways never thought possible

from ice skating, badminton, and going barefoot
sleepovers, rocket man, and picking blackberries
from sitting on the kitchen floor laughing at everything because everything is funny
when you're with people you love

I'm from always believing.

I am from endless conversations and midnight walks down the road
from ink stains on my left hand and notebooks filled with expression.
from fingerprints on the piano keys for the nights I was alone and for the days I was surrounded by people I loved.

and now..
A purple door, a two car garage, yellow walls that brighten my day, a true hero for a father
and a mickey mouse that helps me to know he's with me always. [I love you Sebastian]
I am and always will be from a family, from ups and downs, from endings and beginnings, from journeys and dead ends, from roads and airplane wings, from funerals and weddings, and from hearts that love me no matter what.

I am from endless victories that render me speechless and comebacks that leave me standing tall.
from black and white photographs that have finally been flowered with color.
from the stage where I often feel more at home than anywhere else.

I'm from knowing what i want to do in life.

from a dream to help other people and graduate college.
from good teachers who taught me what others don't see.
from passion I hold onto as if it's life and death.

I'm from a place where texting is tolerable and dancing is expected.
from take-it-in moments that make me who I am and from the the beach where the waves make me hold my arms out to the world.

from blue skies, tulips, elephants, and strawberries.
from learning how to do things I've never done before.
from inside jokes that make me laugh no matter where I am.
and afterwards, from the people who give me weird looks like I'm crazy.

I'm from being ridiculous.

I'm from watching the stars at night in the country.
and I'm from city and people and not always knowing how to breathe or take a step.
from seeing life in a different light.
from a place I feel safe, from sometimes having more fun doing nothing than something, and from realizing.

I'm from..
a place where sweatpants are sexy, blankets are important, and beauty doesn't come from cosmetics.
I'm from happiness earned the hard way.
from poetry in every word, music in every sound, and love in every whisper.

from a heart that yearns what it doesn't have but embraces what it does.

I am from appreciating the small things in life that go unnoticed.
from pizza throwing and sandwich making.
from dairy queen ice cream.
from backyard tire swings and trampolines
from beliefs no one can take away.
from living without the influence and with smiles that reach the ends of the earth.
from seeing and advocating and supporting.
from caring about things bigger and more important than myself and my own little world.
family and friends every day of the week and constant I-love-you's that resonant in my soul deeper than anybody could begin to explain.

I am from freedom and perseverance,
from struggle and strength,
and from never giving up
because fighting for what you believe is better than living for what you don't.


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