Friday, April 22, 2011

Sweet Felicity.

My heart longs for you
a soul whom I barely know
with a voice ringing nostalgically in my ears
as your handwriting imprints on my mind
like a permanent remembrance

One smile from you brightens my morning like no other jewel
beaming from across the world
or maybe
from across the planet

I imagine the trumpet sounds that come from your own hands
as if I've already memorized the notes by heart
I contemplate the scarce possibility that I
will ever get to taste those notes myself
or know your beautiful melody at all

Regardless of the strange world I live in
I see myself belonging in yours
yearning for your familiar soul so unknown to me
hidden behind your charming grin
and miraculous apple pie dreams

You define kindness
And you make sense

I in my chaotic riveting mess
find nothing but a pure sweetness in you
Your reserved walk
sweet smile
and encouraging disposition of a soul
Can you really blame me?
Take one look at me and I'm
falling to my feet for who you are

I am simply drawn to the fragrance of your spirit
as your eyes omit a sparkle of admiration
I know not what to do but
close my eyes
and smile
and wait
for the next inevitable second that you will unknowingly
sweep me off my feet

I wonder what swims in your mind sometimes
when you see me make a complete fool of myself

Your gaze rests softly in my eyes like
a long lost friend
connected by this mutual fondness undefined

Surely you don't study me as I study you
but acknowledging my words
you long to identify
catching my eye at unforeseen yet predictable moments
and I find myself wondering just how
you are

Staircases and windowsills
locations of memories unforgotten
A bright joy

My heart breaks for what I can't give you
becoming aware that this sweet life I have in you
can't ever be more than just a dream
Sitting in silence I realize what I desire most
is only found in my own made up version
of us

Attempting to break through this denial all I see
is your sweet smile etched onto my heart
You have fingerprints all over it
and although it pains me
to admit you are too many worlds away
your smile is still somehow good enough
You don't even know my name but
you know my face
and that is good enough

Impossible strokes of midnight depict the times that exist only in my mind
and in our precious exchange of recognition
I anticipate those short seconds
those small inklings of true emotion that
I never knew I could feel
Without conversation I can already trace the sound of your voice
with my fingertips
as if you were born into them

Entirely unaware
you are my hero
when not even I knew that I needed one

The conditions of my world are so different than yours
but I know I'm alive
Crash collision course
Sing it to me
and let the ink spill off the pages overwhelmed
just how your joy makes me
and my tears will be covered

So sweet the sound of your melody
Time slowed fast paced blink smile like you do
I don't know you, but I want to


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